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Weather information does not show on LG G R watch

I was on 3.7 and now 3.9.1. On my LG G r watch, the weather information does not show. this includes current temperature, high temperature, etc. The weather icon is stuck at sunny at all times.

it works on my LG g watch

superflysocal, 04.07.2015, 21:26
Idea status: under consideration


Ekma, 29.03.2016, 14:12
Having a similar issue on my zenwatch2...weather icon will show up just fine...temperature (eg. 56F) will not ( Lett will temporarily show up when watch face is loading, but, will disappear once the face is fully loaded). This only happens with watchmaker...other watch making apps works just fine.
Johnofromallora, 28.12.2016, 05:34
Numbers for temperature show on phone on all watchface that show temperature, but not on watch. The '°' character does show. Am using 3.9. All other relevant apps are up to date. Using lg g watch r. Phone on 6.0.0

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